Reflection of The Individual. Good & Bad
What does it matter?
Or does it matter? The effect you have on others. Is it possible to have an effect on others? Is it possible for others to have an effect on you? The Stoics say that we cannot control what happens to us, we only control our response.
“You have power over your mind — not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” -Marcus Aurelius
“Sickness is an impediment to the body, but not to the will unless the will wants to be impeded.” -Epictetus
So again, if this is true, I ask if it is possible for one person to have an effect on another? You can beat me up, bruise me, cut me with a knife, shoot me with a gun, impair any of my body parts, but what can you do to my soul? What can you do to my mind? Is the soul tangible? Is it something you can produce and hold in your hands to do with what you will? Can you grab my mind and stomp it into the ground? Can you determine what I do, say and think? Or do I and I alone make that final decision? You can threaten me at gunpoint and say “I will pull this trigger if you do not admit defeat.”. Is it then that you control what I do, say and think, or still is that power exclusive to me? To my mind? To my soul and spirit?
You can disrespect me, insult me, throw false assumptions at me, ignore me, treat me as lesser than you…
…but does this inherently make me worse? Is my ability to be and exist dependent on the fair treatment of others? The respect of others? The love and admiration of others? Is my happiness dependent on these things?
“Now how can that which does not make a man worse make a man’s life worse?” — Marcus Aurelius
So I say this to remind myself: be good. No matter what, be good. When someone is staring at you, be good. When someone is lecturing you, be good. When someone is disagreeing with you, be good. When someone is disrespecting you, be good. When someone is speaking ill of you, be good. When someone is laughing at you, be good. When someone is neglecting you, be good. When someone wishes to do you harm, be good. In all things be good, then good shall be all things to the man who remains good in all things.
“Just that you do the right thing. The rest doesn’t matter. Cold or warm. Tired or well-rested. Despised or honored.” -Marcus Aurelius